Add and Customize Charts
In this article, you will learn how to:
Add a chart
Edit chart data
Customize chart
Add a chart
Click Elements at the left-side bar of the working window > Miscellaneous section > Chart.
The Chart dialog appears, letting you choose one out of 9 chart types such as bar chart, column chart, or pie chart.

Click Add to insert.
Edit chart data
Now you need to replace the default data with your own data in the Edit Chart Data table that pops up.

From here, you can:
Double-click on a cell to add your data
Select the drop-down arrow next to the label to manipulate the column/row at once
Click on the excessive labels to add a new column/row
After that, the chart will reflect all the changes you made immediately.
Note: When you want to re-open this table to edit the data, just click on the Edit Chart Data icon at the top of the Canvas.

Customize chart
The inserted chart on the Canvas has the following elements:

To customize the elements on the chart, you select the chart and navigate to the Chart section in the Properties pane on the right side.

Classification: Change the type of chart.
Title: Choose to show or hide the title of the chart, change its name and position, or align it.
Legend: Choose to show or hide the legend of the chart, change its position, or align it.
Axis Labels: Choose to show or hide the axis labels of the chart.
Data Labels: Choose to show or hide the data labels of the chart.
Animation: Activate the animation of the chart when the work starts playing. If you don't need the animation, just deactivate it.