Create and Manage Account on Inspiration Page
In this article:
Activate your social profile
Publish your work on the Inspiration page
Activate your social profile
To have your work shown on the Inspiration page, you first need to create your own social profile.
The steps to activate your social profile are:
Login to your account and select Settings under Inspiration
Fill in your profile information and then turn the Activate Social Profile button on.
Click Save to save the changes for your public profile.
By doing this, your social profile is enabled to showcase and share a page featuring your creations as a creator. By default, your content will not display here unless you select to publish them to share with others.
Publish your work on the Inspiration page
All your work is displayed in the My work section. To publish your work to the Inspiration page, you perform the following steps:
Open your presentation and click on the Lock icon at the top right corner of your workspace.
Slide the Publish this presentation for public viewing button to make it public.
Check the Show on Social profile & Inspiration option to make the presentation appear on your social profile and on the Inspiration page.
Check the Allow anyone can use this presentation as a template to make the Use as Template option appear as mentioned in the first part so that viewers can use your presentation template as well.